
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wrapped Up To Go -- Love, Mom


So Monkey LOVED the pirate themed lunch. When I picked her up from school she actually thanked me for packing her lunch and asked if she could have one of the chocolate gold coins that she had saved for after school. Well, after a compliment like that...and the self control to save a chocolate for later, who could say no? I'm just glad she liked it. Today's lunch was a bit thrown together. I've been feeling a bit green around the gills. I suspect the little sea monkey is to blame! Lol. Smells of the food in the kitchen is killing me so yeah...luckily my fiance really helped me out by making most of it while I directed. :) 

  • Pizza Wrap (in foil w/ [eye][heart][u] pictogram and some stickers)
  • Sliced Plum
  • Baby Corn (w/ pepper) and;
  • Organic Chocolate Milk
Some of the originally planned items got scratched due to queasy tummy! The Pizza Wrap was made with tortilla, tomato paste, mini pepperoni, cheese, and sliced olives. They were put on a baking sheet at 400 until the cheese melted. Then rolled it up and wrapped it in tin foil. Decided to write a little pictogram on her wrapper since she's recently figured out how to read simple ones.

This lunch is part of the 15 minute Friday link-up. Make sure to check out some of the other great lunches by clicking the button below.

What do you all pack when you're just not feeling up to making a lunch? 

Happy Packing!


  1. This lunch still looks great. Feel better soon. Patty

    1. Thanks Patty! Glad you liked it. I'm feeling better today. :)

  2. Stickers are such a fun and easy way to cute-up your pizza roll!! Love it! Thank you for linking to 15 Minute Fridays!!

  3. Thanks Rebecca! I love doing 15 minute Fridays :)


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