
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 -- .002

In This Lunch: 
  • Turkey Meatballs
  • Peas and Carrots
  • Applesauce w/ Cinnamon
  • Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
  • 100% Juice Box
So yesterday was a shopping day and we found that when we filled the freezer there wasn't any room left for a small package of turkey meatballs. So decided to change the lunch plan for today and cooked them up. The peas and carrots were actually leftovers and then the applesauce and cheddar bunnies were part of the original lunch plan. I really enjoy using leftovers whenever possible but find that Monkey isn't always thrilled with eating traditionally warm foods cold but luckily she's not SO picky that she'd refuse. 

Happy Packing!

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